Blog>A Breakdown of Google Cloud Natural Language API

A Breakdown of Google Cloud Natural Language API

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Let’s talk about Google Cloud Natural Language API…

Confused? Don’t worry – we’re going to break it down.

API stands for application program interface (API), which is a set of routines, protocols and tools for building software applications. Basically, an API specifies how software components should interact. So the Natural Language API allows you to derive insights from unstructured text using Google machine learning.

On a more basic level, this means you are able to reveal the structure and meaning of text.

Using this platform software you can extract information about people, places, and events, and better understand social media sentiment and customer conversations. Natural Language enables you to analyse text and also integrate it with your document storage on Google Cloud Storage.

Try the free demo here:

Why are you telling me about this?

Think SEO. It’s all about the SEO.

Remember our ‘SEO Basics Blog’ & the things we spoke about to increase the ranking that Google & other search engines give you?

That’s very important here. BUT, let’s think more generally about copy, the words, sentences & paragraphs on your website pages.

Google is an algorithm – it looks at language & identifies patterns to understand what pages are about.

The Natural language API is a great platform to use to help you understand how Google is interpreting copy.

Keen to find out more about it, click here.

It’s so confusing! HELP!

If you’ve tried that free demo we linked in above, tried to decipher what all means & are still confused…

Here are ONQOR’s basic things to look out for;

  • Salience Score – this is between 0 & 1, 1 being the highest. It is basically a correlation score about how

  • Entities – these are topics or keywords which Google will identify in your content. You want Google to be picking up the correct keywords, topics & themes in your copy.

  • Look at your competitors – do some competitor analysis

  • Text placement is everything – even moving sentence structure around will have an impact on how Google interprets the words.

  • Location, Location, Location – no, not the program on TV, we are talking about having the location of your business as an entity. For example, office based in London, ‘London’ needs to be an entity.

How does it all work & how will I benefit?

Now you’ve understood a little more about Natural Language API, here’s a quick introduction into how it actually works & how you can benefit from it;

In short, you upload copy & analyses the insights using the API’s 5 methods.

  • Sentiment Analysis – Identifies the overarching opinion within the text, essentially determining the writer’s attitude as positive, negative or neutral.

  • Entity Analysis – Identifies the text for known entities, such as public figures, places, etc. It will return information on these entities, such as a Wikipedia URL among other data points.

  • Entity Sentiment Analysis – For entities detected in given text, the method will determine the overarching emotion of the writer toward the entity.

  • Syntactic Analysis – Analyses text and breaks up the text into a series of tokens (words) and provides further data on their relationship. E.g. Verb, Noun etc.

  • Content Classification – Analyses the text and determines a ‘content category’ to return for the text.

You can tailor content to benefit your businesses ranking on Google by understanding how Google deciphers copy & content on the pages of your website.

Need further help to understand Google Natural Language API & how it can help your business?

Get in touch with us & let’s jump on a call – We are happy to help!