


Animation has the power to whisk us off to realms far-removed from our own reality, where imagination is unbounded and anything is possible.

A cap wearing monkey with a penchant for breakfast cereal, a man made entirely of tyres, a community of toys that walk and talk but only when their owner is not watching. If the latter got you all misty-eyed remembering that one scene, you know, that big ol’ lump you had in your throat when Woody wistfully says “So long, partner” as Andy drives off into the sunset… Then you know first-hand how emotive animation can be. Sniff

To Infinity, and Beyond!

With limitless possibilities of what can be created, animation is utilised to great success as a powerful tool for marketing. Despite this, it’s a medium that is often overlooked by businesses, with companies opting for more traditional, reality-based videos instead.

Quality video production is of course absolutely essential for any business, but it must be said that animation is certainly one to consider when looking at exciting and tech-forward ways to enhance your brand image. But animation’s real advantage and ultimate asset is its ability to convey complex information in a way that is engaging, informative and entertaining. Explainer animation services can be used to describe a product, service, concept, or process to audiences succinctly and more effectively than thousands of words, or multiple real-life videos.

An Immersive Experience

The short and sweet approach of animation can deliver a lot of information in a relatively short time frame. It does this by utilising descriptive and imaginative imagery alongside auditory cues such as music and voice-overs in order to enhance the visual learning experience. Research has found that 65 percent of the general population are visual learners, meaning they are more likely to retain information that they have seen.

Animation creates an immersive experience for the audience, evoking powerful emotional responses and associations. Emotion influences our choices and is inherently linked with consumer behaviour; animation allows you to converse intimately with your audience in unique and compelling ways.

Cold, hard information is spiced up with exaggerated visuals, making learning as fun as watching a kid’s cartoon. People trust brands associated with positive emotions, good customer engagement and entertainment. Animation goes a long way in conveying a brand’s unique style and leading messages.


Our Animation Services

Of course, when it comes to animation style, every brand’s need is unique. Whilst a cute cartoon may be perfect for one brand’s aesthetic, a more refined and decidedly grown-up style of animation may be required for others.

As one of the top animation production companies in the UK, at ONQOR we utilise our in-house creative talent alongside an external network of animators, all with an impressive mixture of disciplines and styles at their disposal. In our initial meeting, we will hone in on the specifics of your brand identity. We will get to really know your brand, understand your values and mission, and talk through your brand’s ethos and the message you want to communicate through animation.


Pulling it all together

Once these preliminary steps have been established, it’s time to move onto the exciting stage of creating your animation. Throughout each process, we will work closely with you to ensure everything we’re doing manifests the vision you have for your brand.

Finally, when the project is completed, we will present to you the final product, alongside an open discussion for you to highlight any thoughts you may have, or even suggestions for tweaks and alterations. Our goal is to always showcase your brand at its very best.


Simplifying the Complex

Animation has an innate ability to convey detailed processes and complex information in ways the viewer can easily grasp. The dynamic nature of animation is the perfect tool for creative storytelling. Californian team collaboration software company Slack created a light-hearted, visually striking and humorous animation that conveyed very effectively the benefits of their software without using a single technical phrase, in fact no words were used at all.

Instead, the colourful and playful characters move through their world communicating only with three simple symbols displayed in speech bubbles. The animation makes it clear to anyone, regardless of what language they speak, that this software gives you the ability to easily converse and share important information within your professional network. Whilst Slack’s software is no doubt complex, the cartoonish and childlike style of the animation says to its audience the product is uncomplicated and user-friendly.